We had a question today about what people considered to be trivial and what people considered serious back in the Victorian era? And how, if any, have those opinions changed or stayed the same, in today's society?
Heidi's surgery is trivial. I mean, she can die under the knife and that's rather serious, but if she doesn't wake up, that's okay because having a new nose and breasts are worth dying for.
Heidi Montag (from The Hills) is talking about her plastic surgery in new issue of US--it's a cover story! It's pretty amazing stuff. Spencer sounds like a supportive boyfriend. He tells her how proud he is. Proud of what exactly, I don't quite understand. It sounds good. Sounds supportive. But deep down he's like, oh good, she's going to look hot. That's really what he wants. If he were supportive, he'd be like, no Heidi, don't do that. I love you for who you are. For your mind, not for your body.
She made the right decision. She could have gone to school and bettered her mind, but she took the easy (and let's face it, realistic) way out and bettered her body. I'm proud of her, too.
Is it trivial? I guess so. But death under the knife during a nose job is nearly undeard of. In fact, death during plastic surgery of almost any kind is a freak accident. And usually related to the improper use of gaseous anesthetics on a patient. Something that can happen even during routine dental work. Is that worth it?
That's really a call each of us have to make. But most dentists find it safe enough that it's become standard procedure. Even though it only takes a dial or valve to be off just a little tiny bit for problems to begin. I had a friend pass out because his throat began to close up. That was nitrous oxide at the orthodontist's.
As for Heidi. Well. I mean, I'd expect it to be on the cover of US. It's a celebrity rag mag afterall. That's the stuff they're made of. We eat it up. I sure do.
So she had the surgery. So maybe she feels better about herself or it's helping her career or whatever. Maybe it isn't. We can't really know. So we can't really judge. But hopefully it's improved the quality of her life. Hopefully.
And Spencer. Again. Well. So what if deep down he's happy she's hotter? Why is that so bad?
I can't really buy into the whole deal that people have where the mind is the real you and the body is the unreal you. It's like a lot of people believe there's this weird Self Hierarchy out there. But I can't seem to find it.
I mean. What do I mean? Maybe an example will help. Say there's a man and his boyfriend, or whatever (girlfriend?), is really beautiful. And that's the ony reason they're together. Then the boyfriend falls asleep with a lit cigarette, burns the house down and suffers severe scarring. Man leaves his boyfriend because the beauty is lost. Say that happens. That's terrible and shallow and awful, right?
Well. Then. Say there's a man and his boyfriend again. This time man is into boyfriend because he's a genius. He's a master philosopher and physicist. He's Stephen Fucking Hawking, PHD. But he suffers a stroke. A random fate that leaves him mentally handicapped forever. The smarts are lost and now the love is lost. Again. Say it happens. So the dude leaves his poor BF. What's more shallow? Which is trivial? Aren't they both?
Sure. Both of these situations are not really believable. But the principle is there, right? Or am I way out in left field? I guess I'm trying to say, Whatever Floats Your Boat.
I don't believe people are really only drawn to looks or brains. One or the other. It's both. I've never met anyone who could look completely past a person's appearance or beauty. But neither have I met someone who can look completely past a person's intellect or ideology. How can you? The both of them are there staring you right in the face like Heidi's brand spanking new boobs.
I can say that I've had friends only because they were real beauties. But that meant something to me. I really relish a good beauty. I can feel genuine affection for someone because of their appearance. Some people don't believe that's possible. But it is. But I also have friends that are intellects. I can really appreciate someone who can just sweep me away with their really amazing braininess. That's great too. I wouldn't trade in either of them. Beauties and Smarties. I got to have them both.
Personalities and Talkers and Beauties and Intellectuals. In reality each of us has a little of all of them. Right? Few people are just one.
I mean these distinctions aren't real. They're neurotic. They're the symptom of something. Wilde made a living out of blurring these very distinctions. He used parody and satire and farce and all sorts of comedic tools to reveal the absurdity in them. One of my very favorite quotes of all time, "I'm deeply superficial."
Rant. Rant. Rant. I mean, right? I wish could be more concise. I like a good clean page. Not one filled with ramblings. Ohh well.
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